
平野郷とは(by ウィキィペディア)

町の周囲を取り囲んでいた濠の調査で、弥生時代後期の壺が出土しているが、遺構は発見されていない。 平安時代初め頃にこの地域の荒れ地を開墾したのが平野の始まりであるとされている。当地が坂上田村麻呂の子である坂上広野麻呂の領地・荘園であったことから、当初は「広野」と呼ばれ、後に訛って「平野」になったといわれている。


In a survey of the moat that had surrounded the perimeter of the town, but the Yayoi period late in the pot has been excavated, remains have not been found. The early Heian Period to the reclaim wasteland in the region is to be the beginning of the plain. From here it was a territory-manor of Sakagami Hirono Asaryo is a child of the Sakanoueno Tamuramaro, initially is said to have become "Hirono" is called, dull after the "plain".

Hirono Asaryo of the manor, is donated to the Uji Byodo through Fujiwara, is about 500 years until the Wilayah Persekutuan of Nobunaga Oda was the manor of Byodoin Uzi. Manor Byodo had owned was called "Zhuang plain". Other manor was also present as "Kumata Zhuang", "Zhuang Hirono" in the vicinity also

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