創建は、大同年間(806年 - 810年)と伝える。寺伝によれば、開山は坂上田村麻呂の娘で、平野庄領主の坂上広野(坂上廣野麻呂)の妹の坂上春子(慈心大姉)とされる。春子は桓武天皇の妃であった。延暦25年(806年)に桓武天皇が崩御すると、春子は空海(弘法大師)に帰依して剃髪し、慈心尼と称した。寺は父の坂上田村麻呂(父)が大同年間(806-810年)に建立したという。
南北朝時代には、後醍醐天皇が大和国・吉野(奈良県)に向かう途中に、当寺を仮の皇居とした。その際に「王舎山」の山号が下賜された。 元亨年間(1321年-1324年)に笠置城(京都府)が落城のときに、61人が戦死し、その妻女たちが当寺で出家したと伝えられている。
広大な寺域に多くの堂宇があったが、元弘の乱(1331年)、建武年間 (南北朝の争い)、元和(大坂夏の陣(1615年))の兵火により、灰燼に帰した。
Foundation is, Datong year (806 years - 810 years) and tell. According to the temple Legend, founding the daughter of Sakanoueno Tamuramaro, it is Haruko Sakagami sister of Zhuang lords of Sakagami Hirono plain (Sakagami Hiroshinoasaryo) (benevolence Daiane). Haruko was the emperor of the wife Kanmu. If the Enryaku '25 (806 years) Kanmu Emperor to demise, Haruko is shaved and devotion to Kukai (Kobo Daishi), was referred to as mercy nun. Temple Sakanoueno Tamuramaro father (father) is Datong year - that was erected in the (806 810 years).The north and south morning era, on the way to the Emperor Godaigo Yamato countries and Yoshino (Nara Prefecture), was the Totera the Imperial Palace of the provisional. And the mountain of "Oshayama" has been bestowed upon them. MotoToru year (1321 - 1324) in Kasagi Castle (Kyoto) is at the time of the Rakujo, 61 people were killed, the Saijo we are reportedly was ordained in this temple.There was a lot of Dou in vast temple area, but Ran (1331) of Motohiro, TateTakeshi year (Northern and Southern Dynasties of conflict), by the fire caused by war of Genna (Osaka summer of Jin (1615)), was attributed to ashes .According to the "Hiranogo the town magazine", the current main hall, chestnut, when the Totera thirty-third generations, 慈源 Daiane, say that was rebuilt in Tempo year (1830- 1844 years). It should be noted that the chief priest of Totera are supposed to be for generations Sakagami family of women is the complement.
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